Empowerment in Motion Mentoring Program

We are excited to announce the launch of the Empowerment in Motion Mentoring Program, a collaborative initiative between the Black Biomechanists Association (BBA), Latinx in Biomechanix (LiB), and International Women in Biomechanics (IWB).  

The mission of the Empowerment in Motion Mentoring Program is to elevate and empower underrepresented scholars by providing pathways to opportunities in Biomechanics.

Program Overview

Our program is designed to pair BBA, IWB, and LiB members (mentees) with senior biomechanists (mentors) from diverse backgrounds.  Through regular interactions and a structured program, we seek to encourage meaningful exchanges between mentors and mentees within the biomechanics community to foster: 

Program Structure

Mentor-mentee pairs will meet monthly and report their interaction to our Match Coordinators in a short Google form. BBA-LiB-IWB will host virtual events for mentor-mentees to facilitate mentoring interactions on a semester basis.  

EMMP Programming At a Glance 

Empowerment in Motion Mentoring Program Expectations

Mentor expectations: 

Mentee expectations: 

Tracking expectations:

At the conclusion of the program year, mentors and mentees will be asked to provide feedback on their EMMP experience.

Program Launch

We launched the program on November 15, 2024 and expect it to culminate during conference season in the Summer of 2025. 

We have closed admission for the 2024-25 school year. Our next cohort will open admissions starting Summer 2025.

*Please note that all BBA, LiB, and IWB members are eligible to be mentees, and members in early-training stages (graduate students and postdocs) can serve as mentors. For example, a PhD student may mentor an undergraduate or Master’s student and be mentored by a postdoc, professor, or biomechanist in industry or government. If you are interested in serving as a mentor in addition to being paired with a mentor, please complete both the mentor and mentee interest surveys